dangerous wires

Preventing Electrical Accidents

Electrical accidents, both in the home and the work place, are surprisingly common. They range from relatively minor incidents to the severe burns and even fatalities. These unfortunate events can be caused by the simplest of errors, or just by being unaware of exactly how to use and maintain an appliance. Here are our top tips on avoiding a potential catastrophe:

Water – Having water near electrical circuits is dangerous due to water conducting electricity, as many of us are aware. One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and those around you is to install a residual current device – which ensures the current stops if it comes into contact with water – in those rooms where it may be a possibility, such as a bathroom.

Damaged cords/plugs – As tempting as it may be to try a ‘quick fix’ with electrical tape, any damaged or faulty plugs, and especially exposed wiring, need replacing quickly and adequately to ensure they do not pose a safety risk.

Adhere to the safety warning – Many people are guilty of this one. Using a higher rated fuse, a higher watt bulb or plugging too many things into one extension cord may not seem like a big deal. Still, they can all cause serious accidents, especially when plugs/appliances overheat. And remember not to overload your circuits with too many appliances.

Check the wiring – Old or poorly installed wiring can cause electric shocks and fires, so it is definitely worth having your wiring regularly inspected by a qualified electrician, particularly if you live in an older property. It may cost you some money at the time, but it really isn’t worth the risk of leaving it unchecked just to save a few pounds.

Use qualified electricians – Be sure to have all electrical jobs in your property carried out by a fully certified electrician. Cutting corners with electrical work can be dangerous.

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